
October 21, 2019

Data security, cyberattacks and data breaches are among the biggest and most serious challenges facing businesses today. The ability of companies to keep their customers’ data from falling into the hands of thieves is imperative for long-term survival and success in the marketplace. Sensitive, private and personal data—including credit card and social security numbers, email addresses, usernames, passwords, phone numbers and buying histories and patterns—can be readily available to hackers that gain unauthorized access to a company’s network. Essentially, hackers will look for any business or personal data that can be sold and used to breach financial accounts, steal a person’s identity or make fraudulent purchases and transactions.

GBS assists organizations with eliminating these critical challenges and threats by customizing Managed Technology Solutions that provide robust protection against dangerous hackers and breaches. We understand how the safety and security of your data supports the success of your business—which is why our solutions are designed to safeguard your valuable data 24/7/365.

There are some simple, basic steps that everyone can take to help protect their online devices, systems and personal data. Ongoing education on the latest threats, good common sense and the use of industry best practices are all great places to start.

  1. Create unique usernames and passwords for your accounts. Adding numbers and symbols to your login credentials makes them more difficult to guess or duplicate.
  2. Avoid using the same password or group of passwords for your accounts. Each online site you sign into should have its own combination of letters, numbers and symbols that are used only for that particular account.
  3. Keep all of your software current by promptly installing updates when they’re released. Updates not only improve the performance of your devices and systems, but often contain the latest security enhancements and protection for their security.
  4. Make sure your data is backed up at the end of each day. This is “Computer 101,” and could make all the difference in the world should your data or network become compromised.
  5. Use multiple, cloud-based systems to securely store your backups. Cloud backups utilize multiple servers spread over various locations and provide a much greater level of security than a single, in-house server.
  6. Use good judgment and don’t be click happy. If an email looks suspicious or is from an unknown source, don’t open it. If a website looks questionable, don’t visit it or give them any of your information. If it looks and feels like a scam, assume that it is and avoid it.
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